Monday May 16, 2011 we decided to follow the dr's thoughts and get amniocentesis. It was not at all as bad as I thought. The shot to numb the top layer of skin hurt more than the amnio. I rested the rest of the day to do everything we could to hold this percious little boy!
Tuesday May 17th, 2011 I am sore today from the feels like you sort of pulled a muscle in your stomach, but totally worth it and would do it again in a second if needed. Bridy and Vivienne arrive tonight for a week long visit. They arrived very late, 1am, and grandma and granddaddy picked them up. We are very excited to see them in the morning.
Wednesday May 18th, 2011 the girls met at 19 and 20 months for the 1st time since Christmas. It was a special moment and they are totally in love with each other! Granddaddy was there to share in the special moment! We spent the day playing together at our home.
May 19, 2011 Riley and I drove to the farm right after breakfast and we enjoyed the day together. We played outside even though it was a rainy day on and off. We also took the girls to the mall where they rode all of the ride on boats, helicopters etc. 7 times Vivienne is such a good little walker and has a very sweet personality...while Riley is such a good little talker. It is so nice to see them together and so sweet.
May 20, 2011 I had to work, but Bridy, Grandma, Vivienne, Aunt Jeanie, and Uncle Steve took the girls to Olgebay Park where they had a blast. They got to see a day old Zebra and they fed the animals and played in the park. Riley was very tired when I got home to see her, but they still had a fun bath together.
May 21, 2011 I worked all day on Long beach physical inventory while Eric took Riley to his mom's and the Bird's. When I was done with work I picked up Harry's Pizza for dinner and headed to the farm with Riley for an evening with Bridy and Vivienne. Eric stayed home to mow the 1foot long grass from all of the rain that we have been having. The girls played outside. It was a nice evening.
May 22, 2011 We took the girls to the USC rec center where they had a ton of fun playing in the water. They both did awesome and loved it. After 2 very long naps we met the entire family (Granddaddy, Grandma, Bridy, Vivienne, Aunt Jeanie, Uncle Steve, Aunt Karen and Uncle Ted) at Angelo's for a surprize dinner for Eric taking the huge risk of starting his own company. We are proud of you!